We are quite sure that whoever came up with Cornhole did not imagine the levels it would reach. From a game, you play in your backyard and your family parties; it has rapidly evolved into a competitive sport.  We now have leagues and tournaments around the game. What makes it so popular is that there is no age limit to the game. It is also fun and easy-to-learn.

All you need is Cornhole sets and friends who are willing to play. Let’s go through the steps in a little more detail below.

  1. Get Your Material Together

Some of the things you will need to play Cornhole include two Cornhole boards, and two sets of for Cornhole bags, which come in different designs and colors.  An open space, 2 to 4 players, and a tape measure.

  1. Venue Setup

 Setting up the venue is very easy all you need to do is:-

  • Set the Cornhole board on flat ground.  The area should not have any obstructions.
  • Depending on the skill level, measure a distance of 27 feet or more from the lower end point of the first board to the second one. They both should mirror each other. As beginners, you should stick to the minimum 27 feet distance.
  • Place the bags on the boards
  • Decide which side of the board you want to throw from. Then, your rival will be standing on the other side. If your team has four mates, your group mates will be on the other board across from you.
  1. Scoring

  • You get one point, If the bag lands on the playing board
  • If the bag goes through the righthole, you get three points
  • Any bag that is not on the board gets 0 points
  • Whoever reaches 21 points wins.
  1. Important Tips to Consider

  • Throw the bags in a flat position so that they do not slide off the board. Use the Frisbee technique to achieve a perfect throw.
  • Arc your hand when throwing for a Higher possibility of the bag landing on the board
  • Your stance is essential; adjust your feet until you feel comfortable enough to pitch. You could stand with your feet slightly apart, or have one foot in front of the other. Whatever works for you should give you fluidity of motion so that you’re able to throw accurately. Make sure your shoes have excellent traction to avoid slipping or falling.
  •  When aiming, forget about the hole, and think more about hitting the six inches at the bottom of the board.  The right velocity should take your bag right into the hole.
  • If the bags are crowding around the hole, but not going in,  use the next throw  to try and knock them into the hole
  •  Without putting your bag at risk,  always try and remove your opponent’s bag from the board

 Final Thoughts

 Cornhole is an exciting game that you can play with your family and friends.  It has no age limit so everyone can participate. With the right technique and our tips above, you will become an expert at putting that bag through the hole. You never know, you could be the next Cornhole champ in the making.

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