We live in a time where many of us will turn to the bottle after a stressful day at work or a full-on day with the kids. And there’s certainly something soothing about a glass of wine with the feet up.

But more and more of us are also becoming reliant upon alcohol, and we may not even realize it. There are a huge number of people suffering from alcohol addiction or abusing their bodies by drinking too much, and while the first thing to do is to seek alcohol rehab, you’ve also got to think just how much you’re spending on booze.

Whether addicted or not, many of us spend far too much on alcohol, particularly given the price of it is forever rising, and cutting down or quitting totally can save a significant amount of money, which could be very important in the current climate.

But how much exactly can be saved?

Firstly, work how much you do spend on drink

Of course, firstly, you should work out how much you actually spend on alcohol. You can do this by working out how much you spend per week and then averaging it out across a year.

For example, let’s say per week you drink six pints of lager in a pub. That would roughly set you back around £30 depending on where you are in the country. Multiply that 52, based on the number of weeks in a year, and you’re spending around £1,560 on alcohol each year.

The costs that come with drinking

Of course, it isn’t just the alcohol you’ll likely be purchasing when it comes to drinking. If you’re at a pub or heading into town, then you may well be getting taxis, buying food, and even finding costs the next day if you’re suffering from a hangover, such as takeaways or even skipping a day of work.

This can all add up and needs to be factored in as they are ultimately a byproduct of drinking alcohol.

The amount this could add to your drinking bill can easily double the amount spent on alcohol or more, which can equate to a significant portion of a wage.

Cutting down and recording results

It may be that you don’t want to completely cut out drinking, to begin with, but you want to make progress to eventually quitting. Marking out your progress and savings can act as a real incentive to keep you on the right path, particularly if you also highlight where the saved money went. For example, over a year, you may save £1,000, to begin with, and if that has enabled you to take a family holiday, you can see there are real-life benefits to giving up and cutting down.

It’ll help you keep your eyes on the prize, while you may also wish to spend a little to accumulate more. For example, signing up for a gym membership for £30 per month will cut into your savings, but also provide you with a place to go and spend time instead of going to the pub and spending more time there.

It really is incredible how much can be saved by simply taking a few drinks out of your life and not only will you be feeling healthier in your body, but your bank balance will be too.

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