It is impossible to imagine a marketing strategy in modern business without social media. It is an irreplaceable part of every successful marketing plan. That’s why you always have to find the right ways of approaching your target audience and followers. These six simple steps will help you to create an effective social media marketing strategy.

Know your audience and choose the right channels

Understanding your target audience is vital for your success on social media. You can’t post whatever seems to be good. All your posts, whether it is an infographic, a link to your blog posts or a funny video, has to be targeted to the right audience. You can’t serve the same posts to school kids and business people. Therefore, identify the location, age, profession, income and education level as well as all other factors which will determine who your target audience is. Afterwards, based on this research, pick the right social media channels for your marketing strategy. You don’t have to be present on every possible platform – choose the ones where you’re going to have the most traffic. Facebook and Instagram are usually irreplaceable.

Post optimization

You have to pick the right keywords to increase the visibility of your pages and posts. It will further lead to a bigger audience and the growing of your follower base. Those keywords have to be carefully picked and to be related to the terms that people tend to search within your industry. Also, don’t forget to optimize images since they are equally important as keywords in text.

Useful content is better than promo posts

Remember, the biggest mistake you can make is to spam people with salesy posts. You will soon become annoying and turn away your followers. Instead, strive to provide useful and interactive content. You have to deliver value – that is what people need. Share some helpful tips, exciting news and stories related to your industry, and post funny videos. Promotional posts about your products are also okay to post occasionally, but keep in mind that you have to maintain balance. The point is to stay informative and create engagement.

Visuals are vital

It is a well-known fact that images, infographics and other visuals are much more interesting and engaging than (only) text posts. In Australia, many companies, small businesses usually, struggle to find good visuals for their posts. If you don’t have an expert in your team, consider turning to a service for graphic design in Homebush Bay to help you with your visual marketing needs. Also, all images of your products have to be shareable on social media channels. Another thing you can do is to encourage customers to take selfies with your products and share them on their Instagram stories.

Direct interaction with followers

One tip from a social media agency in London is that speaking directly to your followers is one of the most significant advantages of social media. They don’t even have to reach your customer service via phone or email if you answer fast enough to their comments. Also, you can be the one who starts asking questions in order to create engagement. Don’t hesitate to start adiscussion and try to reply to every comment, especially if someone reports an issue. That way, you will show that you are always there to serve customers’ needs. It will further lead to creating trust and building a loyal customer base. Also, you can create live chats, develop relationships with influencers and make friendships with other businesses.


Expanding the reach of your posts has to be your primary goal. Hashtags are vital in this mission since they will help your content to be reached more frequently. When is the right time to create hashtags? For instance, you can create giveaways or organize events. In both situations, it is essential to choose the right hashtag to boost visibility and awareness. Keep in mind that you should not use the same number of hashtags on every channel. On Twitter, it is enough to place one good hashtag, while on Instagram, you can put even more than ten per post. Find the Best Hashtags for Instagram with Task Ant.

Everybody is on social media nowadays. It is a part of everyday life, and logically, businesses have to take advantage of that fact. Creating the right social media marketing strategy has to be one of the essential goals of every company.

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