Dianabol, also referred to as Metandienone (methandienone) or methandrostenolone, originally emerged in the 1950s; specifically in 1955. It made its entry via CIBA and was promoted primarily in Germany and the United States. It is important to note that Metandienone is the generic name of the drug but it has been sold under an array of other brand names such as Danabol, Metanabol, Anabol, Naposim amongst others. You can find a very detail description of this drug in this article.

It is used both medically and non-medically for various purposes. The drug is administered orally as opposed to other obtainable in the market, which is usually injected via needles.

It went mainstream with professional as well as amateur athletes and bodybuilders who used it to improve their sport, physique, and training performances.

Did you know that bodybuilding legends such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo started their careers on these? It is interesting to know that even beginners these days have embraced their example and are following closely.

Medical Uses of Dianabol

  • Doctors sometimes prescribe this drug to help deal with certain kinds of anemia.
  • It aids the production of testosterone in men who cannot do so on their own.

Non-medical Uses of Dianabol

  • It helps build muscle mass.
  • It helps improve performance and endurance.
  • It helps shorten recovery time between workout sessions.

Benefits of Dianabol

Talking about benefits, there are a lot of them but only a few will be itemized here. Asides from the medical and non-medical uses as stated above, which can be stated as benefits, some major ones stand out. See below for the amazing list of benefits.

  • It is readily available.
  • It is much simpler to use when compared to others in its category especially because it can be administered orally. This gives room for gradual absorption without having to manage any injection sites or pain continuously.
  • It increases the production of red blood cells.
  • It is extremely effective and does so quickly. This is such a huge benefit as you get to see what you’re paying for (results) in no time.
  • It is a big plus for the manufacturer as it fulfills its promise, leaving the consumers pleased.
  • It intensifies the synthesis of protein.
  • It improves the body’s ability to retain nitrogen.
  • It helps burn fat. Your sure-fire way to ditch the fat, and grow huge and attractive muscles.
  • It aids with the upgrade of the body’s metabolic capacity.
  • It helps increase your strength while reducing your fatigue level.
  • It enhances the development of strong bones.
  • It builds up strength and stamina.

The benefits are amazing and innumerable as expected for an age long drug. From the benefits listed above, and If you have experienced it, you can attest to its effectiveness. If you haven’t then you may want to get on it.

How to Access Dianabol

When you need to source for very important products or services, you must always be careful and take great precautions so as not to fall victim to imitation or products of substandard quality.

Given the importance of this drug, you should only get it from highly reputable and trusted sellers in the mold of https://www.ilmuseums.com/dianabol/. By making your purchases from trusted sellers, you can be sure of enjoying all of the benefits listed above and more. As much as they are now readily available, there are different grades on the market, so opt for the best always.

How to Use Dianabol

Most times when a manufacturer has a new product in the market, they usually include a guide or user manual. When some people pick up a product similar to a previous one they are familiar with, they just assume they understand the workings because they have used a similar one in the past. This singular action has cost some people a lot; as much as their lives. It is important to note that manuals, or in the case of Dianabol, recommended dosages are made available for a reason. Please do well to stick to instructions as seen or as prescribed by medical personnel.

Please find below a guide to help you with the usage of this drug.

  • The best hours of the day to use this drug are between 6am – 9am and 6pm – 9pm. The results are faster and more effective during these intervals.
  • A standard dosage for beginners in the recommended fields is usually between two to four per day. However, for beginners, it is always best to start with a low dose.
  • A dosage cycle is usually between four-six weeks. Do note that continued use after six weeks can almost result in addiction.
  • It should be taken with water and preferably before a meal. Do not take alcohol with it.
  • It should not be taken before bedtime as it may result in insomnia.

If you have an underlying health challenge, as with most drugs, do make sure you check with your doctor to know how best this will work for you so you can avoid any complications that using it with that condition might cause.


In conclusion, having read the history, benefits, and how to of Dianabol, it’s important to give serious thought to the immense value embedded and decide if it is worth losing out on.

If you are in a field that requires the benefits that this drug offers, you may be doing yourself a dis-service by not taking advantage of it immediately. While caution is great, do not be paralyzed by inaction. Make your findings and make your decision quickly.

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