Let’s face it. In order to get the body you dream of, there are certain factors to take into consideration. Of course, you want to make sure you follow a daily workout routine and keep a healthy well-balanced diet. But did you ever consider trying a cycle of SARMs? There are thousands of bodybuilders across the planet just like me who choose to use SARMs to enhance their athletic performance. I mean, clearly, you can take your workouts to the next level with these wonder drugs. My personal favorite, is RAD-140 Testolone.

The term SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. And although the name is quite a mouthful, it is important to realize that these can be the answer to your bodybuilding prayers. They actually work by attaching to your androgen receptors (male hormones). After attaching to them, they cause your muscles to grow and your bones to become stronger.

SARMs are completely different from anabolic steroids. This is because SARMs are in fact, very selective in what they choose to bind too. This is not the case with steroids. You will find that steroids will attach to any of the androgen receptors they choose. This often results in some pretty horrible side effects. However, with SARMs, you will get none of those side effects. 

In this post, my goal is to let you know just what RAD-140 will do for you. I will go over the major benefits as well as the dosage. Furthermore, by the end of this, you will know exactly where to go to find LEGIT RAD-140 Testolone for sale online. 

What Will RAD-140 Testolone Do For You?

So, I definitely want to share my experience of cycling with Testolone. The main benefit I see is that I’m gaining lean muscle mass while I lose ALL of the stubborn body fat. The research that scientists are performing on Testolone is quite promising.

The thing about Testolone is that it is one of the strongest SARMs currently on the market. Testolone is showing to be 90% as effective as Testosterone. However, we only see 1% of the side effects of Testosterone while using Testolone.

There Are Some Pretty Intense Benefits From Taking RAD-140, These Include:

  • Faster Muscle Growth
  • Quicker Than The Speed of Light, Weight Loss
  • Increase in Athletic Performance
  • Enhance in Bone Density

My Actual Results On RAD-140 Testolone

Okay, so here is the quick rundown. I recently did an 8-week cycle of Testolone. During the cycle, I took the max dose of 30mg per day. It is important to note that I am an advanced class bodybuilder, so I can use the max dose. However, every weight class is different, and we will get to that later. 

From my cycle, I have an increase in my lean muscle mass of 21lb. I also have lost a total of 12lb of body fat! Generally speaking, results like this are unheard of. Usually, you will find results like this with steroids. However, I am receiving these gains with RAD-140. Plus, I don’t get any of the side effects you would get from using anabolic steroids. (Another reason why this is my top pick.)

Obviously, I want you to realize that you can’t just take SARMs and get these results. You have to put forth a serious effort. You must workout and eat right. It is the only way to get results like these.

The Dosage of RAD-140 Testolone

Clearly, I want you to realize that clinical studies have not been done to prove anything of 30mg per day is safe. This is why it is the max recommended dose. 

The Following Dosage Recommendations Are Based On Experience Level.

RAD-140 Dosage

  • 10mg/day (Beginners)
  • 20mg/day (Intermediate)
  • 30mg/day (Advanced)

In my own opinion, I feel like it is best to take it in the morning on an empty stomach. This way you unleash the power at the beginning of your day to start growing that lean muscle mass. Furthermore, I definitely want you to know that you should do a PCT (Post Cyclic Therapy) after this. This is due to the fact that it is so strong. 

Where to Find RAD-140 For Sale Online

Okay, so it is time to answer that million-dollar question, where are you going to find this powerful SARM? The answer is not always as easy as it seems. That is why I am here to tell you exactly where I go to get the most potent SARMs you can possibly get your hands on! 

I know the struggle is real. That is why I want you to know that Swole AF Labs is the place to buy SARMs online. Swole AF Labs provides third-party testing with the results of those tests available for you to view on their website. 

I have put my trust in Swole for 2 years now, and they have yet to let me down. Do yourself a favor, and start pumping more iron with SARMs from Swole AF Labs.

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