As health consciousness continues to be a top concern for many today, more and more people have started to commit to a vegan lifestyle. Making the switch can certainly be intimidating for many, especially with the drastic changes that you will have to make. However, when it comes to these decisions, it is often the idea, rather than the act itself, that is more daunting.

If you recently decided to go vegan, you may be confused as to where you should start. You may hear about things like diet transitions, vegan protein powder, and barrier foods, but learning all these can easily feel overwhelming. As with any other lifestyle changes, the road to veganism is not easy, but by transitioning at your own pace, you can progress naturally and comfortably.

Take Time to Learn

Before you make any actual changes, the first thing to do is to learn more about the lifestyle. Essentially, veganism entails the removal of animal products, but more than that, you will also have to familiarise yourself with other things. For example, how can you identify whether a product is vegan from its list of ingredients? What types of food should you include in your diet to get enough nutrients?

Aside from doing technical research, you must also ask yourself why you decided to commit to this change. Knowing your personal reasons can serve as an anchor and constant motivation to power through despite difficulties or challenges.

Find the Right Diet

Strictly speaking, there is no “right” vegan diet, as each person will adjust differently to dietary changes. Some people, for instance, may be able to get all their protein intake goals from foods like beans and grains, whereas others may turn to vegan protein powder to help them. Ultimately, the goal is for you to find a sustainable and balanced diet that provides you with the right nutrients, keeps you healthy, and makes you happy.

Transition Slowly

It is often misunderstood that going vegan means that you have to cut out all animal products from your diet immediately, but truthfully, this is highly unsustainable. Rather, it is important to transition slowly and ease yourself into the changes, so as not to cause negative reactions. 

Instead of removing food from your meals, begin by adding more plant-based options like tofu, legumes, and seeds. Swap your whole milk for vegan options like almond or soy, or try out some vegan restaurants. There is no step-by-step process to dictate how you should transition, but the most significant thing to note is that you do not always have to go full-on vegan right away. This method may work for some, but if you prefer making gradual changes, then you can do so.

Maintain Positivity

Putting yourself in the right mental space can do wonders for you as you venture into your journey towards veganism. Rather than thinking of the difficulties of breaking old habits or cutting out certain foods, think about the positives like the variety of food you get to try. You may not realise it, but you can now find tons of vegan options for some of your favourite meals!

Veganism is a way of life. It cannot be likened to the notion of going on a diet, where you are vulnerable to temptations and cravings. Carrying out a vegan lifestyle goes much deeper as it is rooted in an important “why,” a reason that keeps you motivated and prevents you from straying from the lifestyle.

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