There are several types of wiper blades. Depending on the make and model, vehicles may have different blade attachment mechanisms. The ease of replacing the wiper blades on a vehicle depends on the design of the windshield wipers. It is important to make sure to select the right wiper blade size. Blades that are too long or too short will be more difficult to install and more likely to get damaged during use. Most wiper blades come with universal hardware, and you can rely on tool rental to use any equipment you need for an affordable price.

When to Clean vs. When to Replace Your Wiper Blades

Lift windshield wiper blades and run a finger along the rubber edge to check the condition. Wiper blades have a lifespan between six months and one year, depending on the design. Conventional wiper blades with hinges, a central bridge and articulated links have the shortest lifespan, at about six months. You can clean these blades by lifting the metal frame of the blade and wiping off the rubber portion that makes contact with the windshield.

Cleaning is a good idea if you have recently replaced the windshield wiper blades on a vehicle and operated the windshield wipers while the windshield was dirty. Cleaning may temporarily extend the functionality of older blades, but they will require replacement sooner rather than later to restore visibility. Hybrid blades and beam or flat blades can last up to a year and can be cleaned up until the time of replacement. It is a good idea to replace all of the wiper blades on a vehicle at the same time.

Even when the rubber strips on worn wiper blades are clean, blades may still make chattering noises or squeak. These are signs that the blades need to be replaced, even if a full six or 12 months has not elapsed. Whenever you clean your wiper blades, you may want to familiarize yourself with the mechanism by which you attach replacement blades. Refer to the owner’s manual of a vehicle or resources online to determine how to take off old blades and install new wiper blades.

Easiest Ways to Replace Wiper Blades

The most simple way to replace wiper blades is to confirm the type of blades on a vehicle and the length of each blade prior to buying replacement blades. Many vehicles use blades of different sizes for the front windshield on the driver’s and passenger’s side. A back windshield wiper almost always uses a smaller blade. Getting the right parts makes the process of replacing wiper blades easier.

You may also want to refer to online videos or tutorials for replacing a particular type of blades. Watching a demonstration of a bayonet, hook, pinch tab, side- or top-locking attachment mechanism can be helpful. It is often enough to examine the windshield wiper and refer to the owner’s manual to determine how to replace wiper blades. If you experience difficulty replacing blades, consult with a customer service associate at the nearest auto parts store, auto dealer or mechanic.

Author Bio:

Rohan Biswas is a Writer and a Blogger I love to write any kind of category but my Favorite is Lifestyle, founder, and CEO at Solvingbee, Where you can find any type of how to post.

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