The interconnected and fast-paced world is what we all have to deal with daily. It can be quite tough on one’s mental health. While social media, smartphones, and fast speed internet streams allow us to reach people in a matter of seconds and enjoy fresh content as it comes out, it also allows depressing news to reach us just as quickly, and this can be triggering.

One may find themselves quite depressed sometimes, but maybe never enough to consult a therapist about it. The best way to battle such daily stressors is to get yourself a pet.

Considering pet adoption is one of the easiest (not to mention endearing) ways of getting yourself a pet. It is estimated that around a million cats and dogs are euthanized every year due to a lack of space for them in the animal shelter. Adopting is wonderful because not only do you end up saving a lonely animal, but you also add a new and possibly the most adorable member to your family. 

Most pets in animal shelters end up there due to a couple separating or somebody moving, but very few times due to something being wrong with the animal itself. A lot of them are used to being around humans and are house-trained.

Among a huge list of animals that you can easily adopt, dogs are arguably the most loyal and playful pets you can get. Not only are they your best buddy, but they also provide you with benefits, including protection that you never think you need before you actually do. 

Getting a dog is very overwhelming, especially if it is your first pet, and you have no prior experience. You may get carried away with how cute and playful they are, but don’t let it distract you from the fact that their training should begin immediately. This should be done before they start a habit of chewing the soul out of your favorite rug and make your crocs their favorite chew toy. Moreover, weekly visits to the vet like should be mandatory in the beginning. You may contemplate getting a trainer, but it is better if you learn how to train your pet on your own. Tips mentioned below are the ones trainers at the top of their game always recommend and stand by.

Pick Their Name Carefully

Naming your puppy is not something many pet owners take lightly. They skim through things they love or the fictional characters they adored growing up to find the perfect name that resonates with their dog’s personality. Still, for the sake of training, it is beneficial that the name you pick is short and with a stronghold, which allows you to say it with ease during training and for them to become familiar with it quickly. If you get an older dog from a breeder or a shelter, the dog might already have an assigned name. In such cases, you would want to either change or shorten the name on your own. Luckily dogs are very adaptable, and they will quickly respond to their new name if you use it consistently.

Deciding House Rules

Before you even bring a dog home, decide on the rules you wish to implement. Whether or not the dog is allowed on the furniture? Are there any places in the house the dog is not supposed to go for its safety? Will it get a bed? By deciding this beforehand, you avoid the chances of confusion for your pet and yourself.

Teach him to respond when called

Teaching a dog to respond to their name and approach you when called is the first training exercise your pet must get used to. This not only allows your alpha status to be enforced but also forms a strong basis for further training. Sit on your knees and allow the dog to come to you only by using its name. When it does, reward this with a treat. If it comes to you at any word other than “come” or it’s own name, do not reward the behavior. Repeat this enough times, so the dog understands what you want it to do.

Give him his private den

The dog needs its own little space or den that is not occupied by any other family member or pet. This private sleeping place will help the dog relax and calm down a bit more by having a sense of belonging or a safe place it can return to.

Rewarding good behavior

Whatever you decide to teach your dog, make sure you reward it every time it gets it right. You don’t necessarily have to use treats. You can use toys or do ear and tummy rubs to show it did a good job. Likewise, never reward bad behavior, but also, never yell at your dog or punish them for it. Say “no” with a swift finger movement and deny it love or the treat for some time. This will help it understand better what you need it to do. Don’t forget to be patient.

Settle the jumps from the get-go

Dogs are very loving by nature, and puppies love greeting their owners by jumping on them. This is something you need to fix. Every time your puppy jumps to greet you, fold your arms, turn your back and ignore for a few seconds. Don’t rush in to rub its ears or pet whenever it jumps (no matter how tempted you are). This allows the dog to settle down and not jump on strangers, too, while greeting them. Reward the dog every time it doesn’t jump.

Discourage the biting behavior

Dogs enjoy chewing on anything they can get their hands (or paws!) on especially your favorite shoes. To get them to stop without scolding, you can pretend that you are in great pain whenever they chew on your arm or leg. The chances are that the dog will be surprised and immediately stop. If it can’t pick up on that, try swapping what it was chewing with a chew toy (dogs prefer that anyway). If all else fails, make the dog stop by taking away whatever it’s chewing and ignore it. Repeat it enough times for it to realize the mistake.

The Final Word

After spending half an hour or so every day on training, you should always end it with a “Good boy!”, a treat or a meal. Your dog has worked hard to please you and make you happy, so it deserves to know that it has done a good job. Give lots of praise and play with it for a few minutes every day. This guarantees that the dog will be more eager to learn and will be prepared for a training class.

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