If you are concerned that a child may have ADHD, the first step is to speak with a health care professional to find out if the symptoms correspond to the diagnosis. The diagnosis can be made by a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist, or a primary care provider, such as a pediatrician.

How is ADHD Diagnosed?

Health care professionals use the guidelines of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association to diagnose ADHD.

Below Are Some Symptoms Of ADHD In Child:

  • He often has problems organizing tasks and activities.
  • He often loses things necessary for homework and activities (e.g., school supplies, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, papers, glasses, cell phones).
  • He is often easily distracted.
  • He often forgets things during daily activities.
  • He often has problems keeping his attention on tasks or recreational activities.

Treatment for the ADHD in Child:

 The treatment of ADHD must be individualized and designed by a specialist or group of specialists based on the symptomatological characteristics and the circumstances surrounding the case (associated problems, environment, school, etc.) and the family.

Medications can help children with ADHD in their daily lives, and drug treatment can be an effective way to manage the symptoms of ADHD. Medications are an option that can help control some behavior problems that have generated problems in the past with family, friends and at school.

Behavioral Therapy:

It is a psychological therapy that is based on an analysis of behavior. The factors that are maintaining the inappropriate behavior are identified, the behaviors that are wanted to increase, decrease or eliminate are delimited, carrying out the observation and the registration of these. There are two types of techniques:

  1. To increase positive behaviors: positive reinforcement such as praise, positive attention, rewards, and privileges.
  2. To reduce unwanted behaviors: the cost of responses, time out and termination are used (ignoring the behavior that you want to reduce or eliminate).

Training For Parents:

It is an intervention aimed at parents learning to manage their child’s behavior using basically contingency management techniques that have proven to be effective in the treatment of ADHD. It consists of training parents to recognize the behaviors of the disorder and learn strategies to control disruptive behaviors and promote appropriate behaviors.

Contingency management includes the use of positive reinforcement, extinction, use of time out, chip economy and response cost. This intervention can be applied individually or in groups, and the group application offers advantages such as lower cost, helps parents to relativism or locate their child’s problems by contrasting them with those of other families, parents help each other and share the difficulties.

Cognitive Therapy:

Training in self-instruction techniques, self-control and problem-solving.

Training In Social Skills:

Children and adolescents with ADHD often have family relationship problems, social skills deficits and peer relationship problems. Social skills training is usually done in small groups of similar ages, and CBT techniques are used.

If you are wondering to learn more about ADHD and other disabilities, then for best boosting of skills in same simply log in over Health2delivery. And even for more significant information about ADHD, you can also scroll and purchase Adderall, via online medium as it is one of the most preferred medications for ADHD disables.

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