30-Second Summary

  • Menopause is a natural set of changes within the female body that signify that their reproductive life is coming close.
  • Menopause usually starts between ages 45-55 but can start at any age.
  • There is no stopping or cure for menopause; it is something that most women will experience in their lifetime.
  • Menopause can last for a few months to a few years, and its onset can be rapid or gradual, and symptoms can be relieved with top-rated menopause supplements.
  • Menopause symptoms include hot flashes, excessive sweating, hair thinning, joint stiffness and degeneration, and hormonal imbalances.
  • Postmenopause is the period after menopause has taken place and results from some permanent changes within the female body.

Introduction: What Is Menopause?

Menopause is a set of changes within the female body that occurs when the reproductive prime has passed and the body no longer recognizes itself as having the ability to carry healthy children.

Menopause can be triggered at any time of life, and in some rare cases, it can begin incredibly early in life. In most cases, however, menopause may start from around age 45-55.

Many health tips for women state that menopause can be split into three distinct areas within its process; Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause. 

Each of these stages can have a relatively rapid onset time, but in most cases, the onset and progression of each step may be incredibly gradual with no distinct shift from one phase to another.

The symptoms of menopause[1] can vary significantly from one woman to another. While some women may experience every textbook symptom to the most extreme degree, others may only experience slight changes in their menopause process.

Postmenopause is classified as the period straight after all of the changes have taken place. It is often at this stage that women begin to notice the elements of life that have changed permanently regarding their bodies.

How Do You Know When the Menopause Is Over?

Once perimenopause has made its way into menopause, and you realize that everything has settled down, you might be looking for signs that menopause is over.

Here are some indicators that your bodily change has been completed and the active menopause phase has finished:

  • Weight Gain – During menopause, the hormone estrogen[2] is in rapid decline. When menopause is over, lower levels of estrogen can significantly impact your weight and leave you having more difficulty in losing weight.
  • Sexual Dysfunction – Sexual dysfunction is a common after-effect of menopause, as well as during its process. You may feel like your sex drive decreases, and the desire for intimacy is not what it was. This can be due to the hormonal changes within the body, such as vaginal dryness[3], which may make intercourse uncomfortable, or physiological effects from bodily changes such as weight gain or restlessness.
  • Reduced Memory Capacity – You may find that once menopause has ended, you may have some difficulty in memory recall, whether in the short or the long term. While memory recall declines with age, you may find that this kicks in as a sign that menopause is over.
  • Extreme Mood Fluctuations – The whole process of menopause can cause some extreme changes in moods, which are generally headed towards low mood, anxiety, and depression in some cases.

When menopause is over and the fluctuating hormones have ceased, you may find that your moods tend to be a little lower than before menopause, and sometimes you can improve these low moods with top-rated menopause supplements.

  • Hot Flashes – While some people consider hot flashes to be an integral part of menopause when the process is active, it is one of those symptoms that stay with you postmenopause, which may be disappointing to learn.

Hot flashes are caused by a vasodilatory response to hypothalamic temperature regulation anomalies, which can cause the most profuse sweating, heightened core temperature, and general feeling of being overly hot all the time.

  • Increased Risk of Osteoporosis – The reduction of the estrogen hormone during and after menopause can leave you with a higher risk of osteoporosis, increasing the risk of bone fractures and joint degeneration by having a reduced bone density.

This risk may mean you have to be super careful with yourself postmenopause and make sure you do everything you can to strengthen your bones naturally, such as increasing calcium from your diet and eating a calcium-rich diet[4].

  • Increased Risk of Heart Disease – Again, this is due to the lower levels of estrogen that are present in postmenopausal women, which can also cause cardiovascular complications. 
  • Urinary Complaints – The changes in menopause will end, and one of the indicators can be found in the urinary tract. This flow pipe can experience some significant changes that will be permanent in postmenopause, including the tract losing its elasticity. 

Although you won’t see the changes from outside, you may feel it when it changes your urinary habits. It may make your toileting more frequent, and you may lose the ability to hold your urine for some time without leaking.

  • Disturbed Sleep Habits – While going through menopause may lead you to have many months or years of disturbed sleep patterns, you may be disappointed to know that this may be a symptom that sticks around after the hormone fluctuations have gone.

Estrogen in lower levels may harm the quality of sleep, the number of times you wake during the night, and general tiredness during the waking hours.

What Can You Do to Improve the Symptoms?

Although there is no cure for any stage of menopause, it can be relatively simple to reduce the effects that some or all of the symptoms may have on your body and your quality of life.

You can simply amend your diet and lifestyle to include a really good and balanced diet rich in omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and plenty of essential calcium and protein to strengthen and rebuild your body’s barriers.

Some people find that taking a supplement specifically designed for postmenopausal women helps, as it keeps everything balanced enough to be manageable on a day-to-day basis. This report has found an Estroven review that may be useful when experiencing the permanent changes that menopause brings with it once it has finished its fluctuations.

The Bottom Line

Menopause is, unfortunately, a natural element of the woman’s life cycle, and it indicates that the woman’s reproductive ability is coming to an end.

The most significant change that becomes permanent once menopause has taken place is the depletion in estrogen levels in the woman’s body, which can cause some minor and equally major health concerns in almost every female.

Following some simple health tips for womensuch as making positive changes to health and lifestyle, following dietary changes to protect the body and reduce the symptoms of menopause, and taking some supplements to make sure your body has everything it needs, can make every day manageable for you.

You may find that most of these changes that come postmenopause are unwanted, and some can turn into severe health conditions. However, with some changes to health and lifestyle, they can be improved and managed to make sure you can continue to have an excellent quality of life.


1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4890704/

2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22978257/

3] https://www.healthwebmagazine.com/womens-health/vaginal-dryness/

4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4046613/

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