Did you know that more than half of all U.S. employees are not engaged at work on a daily basis? What do you think that’s doing to the levels of productivity in your office?

If you’re having a hard time keeping your employees engaged and making sure they’re as productive as possible, there are a lot of tools you can use.

One of the best options is an employee tracking system you can find at Tracktime24.

Read on to learn about seven great employee tracking systems that will help you make sure everyone is staying on task throughout the day.

Benefits of Employee Tracking Systems

Initially, the idea of using an employee tracking system might seem a little questionable.

It’s important to note, though, that the purpose of these systems is not to micromanage your employees or actually track their every move. They’re just meant to increase accountability and improve your ability to make sure tasks are being completed in a timely manner.

There are lots of benefits that come with using these systems, including the following:

  • Make sure time is being used appropriately
  • Figure out which tasks take the most time to simplify future scheduling
  • Recognize high-performing, highly productive employees
  • Spot employees who are violating company policies more quickly
  • Increase employee efficiency

Employee tracking systems are also great for employees who work remotely or who travel a lot as part of their position. They can clock in from their smartphone or tablet, and you can use GPS features to make sure they are where they say they are.

Seven Best Employee Tracking Systems

Clearly, there are a lot of benefits that come with using an employee tracking system. Which one should you use, though?

The following are all great options to consider:

  1. Timesheet

Of all the employee tracking apps on the market today, Timesheet is one of the oldest. It’s also one of the most reliable.

Timesheet is a simple, free app that is perfect for small business owners. It allows you to track employee time on a day-to-day basis. You can also use it to monitor time spent on specific projects.

If you just need a simple, reliable program for tracking for your employee’s clock in and out, Timesheet will get the job done. It doesn’t have many additional features or extras, but it’s still a good starter option.

  1. TimeDoctor

TimeDoctor is another great app that makes it easy for you to track your employees during working hours.

It shows you when your employees clock in and out, but it also comes with a lot of extra, more advanced features.

For example, TimeDoctor provides you with information on the websites your employees visit, the amount of time they spend on various tasks, and their location. You can also use it to create a payroll!

TimeDoctor is an affordable option for small business owners, too. It costs just $9.99 per user.

  1. Hub Staff

Hub staff was developed for business owners who want to know more about what their employees are doing throughout the day.

It provides employers with information on most frequently visited websites and apps, as well as the number of time employees spend on various projects.

It comes with invoicing options and GPS tracking, too, so it’s a great option for employers with a lot of remote employees.

  1. InterGuard

If you want to gain more insight into your employees’ computer and internet activity, InterGuard is a great program to use.

InterGuard records all computer activity both on and off the network. It also monitors things like chats, email, social media activity, keystrokes, and websites visited.

A program like this might seem a bit invasive at first, but if you’re concerned about employee productivity and engagement throughout the day, it’s definitely one to consider.

It’s highly affordable, too, at just $8 per month per user.

  1. ActivTrak

If you’re in the market for a free employee tracking system, you can’t go wrong with ActivTrak.

ActivTrack is a cloud-based analytics system that lets business owners learn a lot of information about their employees’ productivity and day-to-day habits.

It is installed on the employee’s desktop and measures their activity throughout the day, providing information on attendance, time spent on various tasks, websites visited, and projects completed.

The software is easy to install and all data is encrypted, so there’s no need to worry about security breaches.

  1. T Sheets

T Sheets is a highly detailed time tracking app that allows employees, supervisors, and managers alike to communicate about projects, their whereabouts, their availability, and payroll matters.

T Sheets comes with a lot of special features beyond basic time tracking. For example, it gives users the option to log in via Twitter.

It also features voice call, email, and messaging functions. It comes with helpful employee monitoring tools for business owners, too, and costs just $4 per user per month.

  1. Time Clock Wizard

Time Clock Wizard is another great time clock app that helps business owners reduce timekeeping costs and make sure their employees are as productive as possible during the day.

It allows for employee monitoring from various devices and provides all-inclusive reports for payroll, clock-in and clock-out times, and PTO reports.

Time Clock Wizard also includes a photo capture feature that encourages employee honesty.

Employees must submit photos of themselves clocking in or out when they use this app. This eliminates “buddy punches” and other tactics that they may use to avoid being where they’re supposed to be.

Learn More Productivity Tips Today

Making use of one of these employee tracking systems is a great strategy for monitoring your employees and maximizing productivity throughout the day.

They’re not the only option, though. There are plenty of other tools and techniques you can use to keep your employees motivated and make sure everyone is getting as much done as they can during the workday.

For example, the better you and your employees are at managing your stress, the better the quality of your work will be.

Check out this article to learn some great stress management tips you can implement today.

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