While yoga is often assumed to be a gentle practice, there is still a potential for injury. A good instructor from fitness studio Melbourne will guide beginners to avoid more advanced poses, but it is still a good idea to have an idea of the riskiest poses you may wish to avoid in yoga classes.

Salamba Sirsasana or Headstands

There are a number of health benefits associated with headstands, but it is still one of the most risky poses you can attempt in yoga classes in Melbourne. Headstands can be particularly dangerous if you have a sensitive neck, so if you’ve ever had a neck injury, it is crucial to check with your doctor before even considering this pose. Like an inversion, it should also be avoided if you have glaucoma as your eyes cannot adjust to the pressure of being upside down. Even without any underlying medical issues, the great danger of headstands is getting hurt falling, so avoid this move during pregnancy.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana or Handstands

The main issue with handstands is in learning to control the effort needed to kick upward while keeping the arms straight. This is a foundation of this pose, but you may have seen wild kicks and buckling arms in yoga classes. As a beginner, there is also a risk of straining a hamstring and the risk of falling is greater than a headstand, so it should also be avoided when pregnant, if you suffer from glaucoma or any other health issues mentioned above.

Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stands

This may seem a little repetitive, as this is the third inversion on this list, but all have the common characteristics of being unfamiliar and unstable. Shoulder stands can also place your neck in a vulnerable position if you place too much of your body’s weight at the top of your spinal column.

Chaturanga Dandasana or Four Limbed Staff Poses

The danger with this pose is cumulative. This pose may be done many times during yoga classes, and doing it incorrectly over and over can cause massive amounts of wear and tear on the shoulders, particularly with poor alignment.

Traditionally, the ideal alignment is thought to be to have your upper arms kept parallel to the floor, but this may be too low. So, try to stay a little higher than 90 degrees or substitute knees, chest, and chin, or avoid altogether.

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend

Any poses stretching the hamstrings have the possibility for overstretching and injury. A hamstring injury can be serious, taking months to heal, so care must be taken. If you feel sensitivity in this area, feel confident to politely refuse any instructor’s adjustment, or speak to the instructor before class. The main thing is to listen to your body and avoid forcing yourself into a deeper bend as it can be highly counterproductive.

If you are considering yoga in Prahran or Melbourne, be sure to speak to us. We offer a variety of yoga classes to suit all levels including beginners, and we’d be delighted to discuss any of your concerns.

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