With Covid-19 getting us all working from home, many of you might be thinking about the different ways you could make money from home, or at least while on the go. Though travel is restricted right now, things are likely to get back to normal very soon, and what better way to see the world and get paid for it. Here are a few tips on how to get into becoming a travel writer and get what many see as the best job in the world.
Start seeing the world!
It may seem pretty obvious to put this here, but surprisingly a large number of people often do not consider this step. To be able to become a travel writer, you will need to have traveled somewhat. If you haven’t traveled to at least some places, how are you expected to be able to write about travel at all? It doesn’t have to be massive trips for months on end, but you’ll need a bit of experience to inspire you.
Following on from this, it’s a good idea actually to write down your experiences as you go. Some of these pieces can be used for travel work, but some will simply be used to remind you of the things that happened, you saw, or you experienced.
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Check yourself
The next important step is actually to make sure that your work is on point. There’s no point in submitting work, trying to start a blog, or getting in touch with people to promote you if your work is filled with mistakes. You need to ensure that all your work is error-free, so read through it carefully at all times before sending and use software to help you pick up on potential grammar and spelling mistakes so that it’s the best it can be.
You also need to ensure that all of the information contained within is correct. This should cover everything from bus times, ticket prices to emails and phone numbers included. You want to become the go-to person for certain travel things, and then you need to make sure that your information is reliable and trustworthy from the outset. Without this check, you’ll be remembered for any mistakes rather than the overall quality of your work, which can mean a huge hit to your potential success.
Spreading the word
Once you’ve got some great pieces, you’ll need to start raising awareness of your work. As a starting point, you can create a great website where you can start posting your work, sharing this on various social media platforms. Using top quality images to supplement your work will also help to gain interest. You can also sign up to travel writer sites, engage with writers directly, and even send your work out to newspapers or other specialist publications. It will take work, but you can get there.