Are you looking for a challenging career that’s both interesting and financially rewarding? Look no further than a career in court reporting. The United States has a shortage of court reporters, and many states are looking to fill court reporting positions. Court reporters can work for the court or for an agency such as Brickell Key Court Reporting. Court reporting agencies are great to work with. They’re dynamic and open to different types of court reporting opportunities that can broaden your resume as well as work well with your schedule. This agency also has a number of offices throughout Florida.

Job security

Job security is important in this economy. Becoming a court reporter will give you the job security you need to sustain yourself as well as your family. This is mainly because even though some courts have experienced layoffs, court reporters are able to work for lawyers and agencies in civil court, also. There is also a demand for real-time court reporters who can work remotely and capture transcriptions for conferences and other gatherings.

Create your own schedule

Although reporting in a courtroom setting is typically done during business hours, civil court can have litigations that are scheduled throughout the day. Some of these litigations can take place in law offices after hours and sometimes on the weekend. If you’re looking to take on extra work, you can do transcription, take minutes for large-scale meeting and even sit in on large conferences. This is great for someone who is looking to have a flexible schedule or work around a school schedule.

Earn a good salary

The salary for a court reporter can range from $40,000 to more than $100,000. Salaries for court reporters vary from state to state and a court reporter in New York may make six figures, whereas a court reporter in another part of the country can make about $40,000. This is the reality for salaries across the country. Always consider location when you’re looking at court reporter salaries.

Get residual income

Court reporters produce original documentation. These documents are stored in the court records where litigators have the ability to access them for a fee. The court reporter gets paid from the fee each time the document is accessed. This means that when court cases are appealed you will make money off of the document no matter how many years go by.

The subject matter holds your interest

Court reporting is a career that’s always interesting. When you work as a court reporter, you hear all types of cases for various crimes as well as testimony from both sides. You will also experience various types of litigation in civil court. One day, you could be reporting the minutes from a criminal case, and the next you’ll be in civil court reporting about child custody cases. If you get tired of the court setting, you can switch your venue to capture the minutes of  a meeting or a conference. The list is endless, and it’s a career that you won’t tire of because your cases change like a revolving door.

Court reporting is a great career to get into, especially because you don’t need many years of schooling to build your career. In less than two years, you can be a court reporter, reinventing yourself in a different state where you can take on very interesting cases. Who doesn’t love a “Florida man/woman case”? Imagine hearing firsthand what you see on the news and knowing what makes these people tick. This can be your career!

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