Our eyes are the windows to our souls, while our mouths are the mirrors to our overall health.

Our mouth is said to have a direct link to our entire well-being. Oral health can affect the strength of the human body and can serve as an early warning sign of specific bodily issues. An examination of our mouth may detect certain nutritional deficiencies as well as diseases, infections, and some cancers.

While a healthy mouth leads to a healthy body, an unhealthy mouth can increase the risk of severe health problems one may suffer, such as a heart attack, stroke, poorly controlled diabetes, and preterm labor.  Mouth issues usually start with plaque buildup and tooth decay. Thus, much emphasis should be given to one’s oral health as much as we give priority to our bodily health.

To promote a healthier and longer life, we will talk about the causes of plaque and the things you can do to prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay.

What is Plaque? And What Causes It?

Dental plaque is a thin film of bacteria found within the surfaces of the mouth. It develops when food containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are left on the teeth. If not removed regularly, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that destroy the tooth’s outer layer, otherwise known as tooth enamel, thus, resulting in tooth decay and gum diseases.

How to prevent Plaque Buildup and Tooth Decay?

To prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay, you should exert effort in maintaining oral hygiene. With the following steps, you will not only be keeping a healthy mouth, but also a healthy body.

  • Brush your teeth twice and do it properly.

Note that plaque develops from the food that is frequently left on the teeth. Hence, brush religiously using a fluoride-containing toothpaste.

For this activity, you may use a regular toothbrush for as long as it gets the job done. However, you may also use electrical ones to get the job done more accurately and conveniently. ConsumerJar reviewed the best electric toothbrushes with pressure sensor. You might want to check that out and see if these types of toothbrushes suit you better.

  • Floss at least once daily.

Food particles and bacteria may get trapped in between your teeth. Hence, use a string of dental floss to make sure that all food particles are removed.

  • Use a mouthwash with antibacterial properties.

To reduce bacteria that live in our mouth, use an antibacterial mouthwash. Not only will it eliminate the bacteria in our mouth, but it will also leave our mouth feeling fresh and fragrant.

  • Schedule regular dental check-ups and teeth cleaning.

The ideal period to see your dentist is two to four times per year, depending on your gum health. At the very least, set a schedule every six (6) months for check-up and teeth cleaning. Be sure not to skip check-ups with professional dental health experts.

  • Avoid smoking.

Smoking more likely produces a higher rate of bacterial plaque, leading to tooth decay and gum diseases. It also causes bad breath and other dental and bodily health issues.

  • For those with dental braces and retainers, see the dentist more often and pay more attention to brushing and flossing.

Food particles are more likely to get stuck in dental braces and retainers. Hence, there is a higher risk of plaque buildup if teeth cleaning and oral hygiene are neglected.

  • Similarly, people who have dentures must brush their dentures daily.

When unused, they must soak their dentures in denture cleaners to avoid exposure to bacteria.

  • Consume calcium-enriched food that helps promote strong, healthy teeth.

Food like low-fat or fat-free milk, plain yogurt, fortified soy drinks, cheese, tofu, almonds, salmon, and dark green leafy vegetables help improve your oral health. You may also take in lean meat, fish, eggs,  dairy, nuts, and beans that contain Phosphorus that help promote healthy teeth.


A healthier mouth means a healthier life. If we want to live longer, we must dedicate ourselves to a healthier lifestyle. We must not only focus on external physical health but also focus on our oral health.

Our mouth is directly connected to the insides of our bodies. Whatever comes from the mouth travels through our esophagus then to the stomach. It can also move to our trachea leading to our lungs. It can travel to other more paths that go to our entire body, including our heart.  Hence, if we do not care for our oral health, we run the risks of certain bacteria entering our body, causing many diseases and health issues. It could cause pneumonia, among others.

Therefore, maintaining proper oral hygiene will benefit our whole being. We can start by fending off plaque buildup, and consequently prevent tooth decay. We will be saving ourselves from the pain of suffering toothaches, headaches, and other pains relating to dental health issues. We will also be protecting ourselves from exposure to more severe illnesses that are caused by oral problems.

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